There Is Hope
Today I want to offer a word of encouragement. I have looked across this land and seen dry bones of the church piled up high. I have seen the evil that lurks the landscape casting the shadow of fear over all people. I have seen the wicked calling those things that are evil “good things” and those things which are “good”, evil. I have seen the shaking of the heavens and the earth and for three years I’ve heard the sound of marching in the spiritual realm. I didn’t know what sound of marching was for or what it meant. Surveying the current status of things now days, I suspect that I have an idea of what is going on.
But I can tell you that these evil forces are taking up a defensive posture. There is change on the horizon and I believe that they are good changes. I pray that it is so. The Lord of Hosts, I believe, has dispatched angelic armies that are waging war in the spiritual realm. That warring in the spiritual realm will soon spill over into the natural realm that we inhabit. Then, we will know that God is still God. The battles will be fierce so prepare yourselves. It’s coming!
The enemy is bleeding out from a thousand cuts. Each cut is deeper than the last. The hemorrhaging is non-stop. A vast hole is being dug out behind enemy lines and when the final push comes there will be available route for retreat. Chaos and confusion will ensue and as the army of Midian did before Gideon and his three hundred, they will turn and devour each other.
I have heard the dry bones rattling and I have seen breath pumping over the spirit of a remnant being resurrected. There will be and there are battles still to be waged on the front lines. Do not be deceived about that. Do not be guilty of putting your faith in a man or a political party.
“It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.” Psalm 118:8
Sodom and Gomorrah were utterly destroyed for their perverse acts of immorality. None were found righteous. However, there are still those who are righteous to be found today. Plead for the righteous that they are not swept away with the wicked!
Know this, the enemy is working overtime to initiate a plan that will do great damage to this nation, our freedoms, our homes, and our children. In less than eight weeks decisions will be made that affect our future, the future of this nation, and future of our coming generations. Make wise decisions and wise choices. The tide is turning, the battle is the Lord’s. The victory is ours through the Lord! It’s time for a gut check. What do you REALLY believe in?
I am The Old Watchman, Ezekiel. Be forewarned! It’s still not too late.